Warranty Return Policy

If you believe that an item that was sent to you is defective you must first contact us by email with a photo of the item.

Do not send the item back without a return authorization as the package will be refused and returned to you.

Warranty exchanges are provided after a return authorization is given and at which time the item is inspected by Nissan or the manufacturer and determined as defective. The process of review is approximately 1 to 2 weeks. If you need a replacement immediately and can not wait, you can repurchase the item until the decision is made for warranty. Understand that Nissan will sometimes decline replacement. We have no control over their decision making process except to support you as much as we can. Decisions made by Nissan and other manufactures are final and not reviewable.

All returns must be made within 30 days of receiving the item and the return must be accompanied with the year of the car and the vehicle identification number.

If a item is returned for failure then the mileage at installation and failure must be reported as well.

Items requiring skilled installation, such as brake, suspension, steering, electrical or engine parts , must be installed by license mechanics .
Parts installed by non licensed mechanics will be warrantied on a case by case basis.
