Save 5 to 20% with us of any eBay Datsun Roadster Parts sold by other vendors
No As Is Where Is No Warranty Sales.
We Warranty the Products We Sell
Here's why. When you send most of your purchases to us you are supporting our efforts to remake greatly needed parts for your roadster. While many other vendors simply are selling off their existing new old stock parts supplies with no desire, no chance of having more manufactured, we instead make huge investments of your monies back into producing and having manufactured many needed parts. Just look at our U20 Timing components, U20 oil pump, Aluminum trim panels ...too much to list!
We offer quality parts at affordable pricing here!
"Always something new" Our motto, as many will tell you when making reference to our inventory, means just that!
We are the only vendors that have spent nearly a million dollars in the past 5 years developing new products and that includes the hiring of real engineers. This is not some distorted fake news, but completely and totally provable simply by visiting our web-site and seeing all the new items listed in the New Products section and all the other sections. Many items you will not find anywhere else except as used or atrociously expensive! Yes, there are a few private parties making parts as well and they should be supported in their efforts.
Items that have a customers name listed at the bottom of the part "This part made at the requested of........" means that we not only make parts we believe our customers may want, we actually listen and take your individual requests and turn them into material items whenever possible.
From time to time you will see that some items we sell are, from your parts request list, a little bit more then some other vendor. Ask yourself this: Is that vendor, in their website, actively investing their profits and making parts for your car or cashin out for their retirement fund and telling you, more often then not, "Sorry, no longer available" when they run out?
Support businesses that invest in you and support the cars with new quality US made and engineered products! It encourages us and is for the benefit for all.
We help protect the cars from extinction and from people scrapping the cars based on high prices for replacement parts by attempting, more often then not, to keep the prices down to keep the cars on the road. If you see a higher price from us take note that you are contributing to tooling costs on many new parts most businesses would never consider making and we thank you for your patronage and continued support.