How To Use This Website

Parts category list: When looking for a particular part select the section below "Parts Category List" that would correspond to where that part would be located on the car. A part inside the car that would be related to a vinyl interior item you would find in the Interior section. A turn signal switch, although it is inside of the car, would be found in electrical switches, not Interior. A body part would be in Body Parts. As you may have noticed it is not always as easy as the last example we gave. Let's take two more examples: Let's say you are looking for .030 pistons for a 1600 and an early, cartridge type, oil filter for a 1600. These would be found in: Engine 1500/1600. Note that the oil filter is an external engine part and is also cross linked and can be found in the "Engine External" section as well. There are many items cross-linked in our web-site to better the odds in helping you find what you are looking for.

Now to finding the pistons. Move your mouse to the highlighted area: "Engine 1500/1600" and left click into this section. Once in the section you can scroll to the pistons by either looking at the thumbnail picture or by reading the description of each part number as it comes into view. The part numbers are always in blue and are in numerical order from the top of the page to the bottom of the page.

 In our example of the 1600 pistons you will note that the main part number is 1189. Within the text will appear the individual sizes and these sizes will be represented by an individual part number in blue within the text. Example: 1189C is a .030 1600 piston set. Please use these individual part numbers within the text when ordering. When ordering an individual item, like the oil filter part number 1191, simply use this main part number to order with.

 LT at the bottom of the text in a part number means this part carries a Lifetime Warranty. Read the Lifetime Warranty link for further information. If the letters "PR" appear after the price then a pair are supplied for the listed price. "EA" after the price means each or one piece is supplied. If the the word "SET" or "KIT" appear after the price then the item is sold in a set or kit and can not be broken up for individual sale. Some assemblies do not say kit or set fall under the same protocol. If you want only some of the items that appear in a kit or set they are available in the sections not marked "Kits & Packages". The use of different color text or bold text in the description field are to alert you to important information that we suggest you read.

If you get confused about where you are in the web-site just look at the address bar at the top of the page. After the forward slash will be the section that you are currently viewing. Example: www.datsunparts.com/engine

Play around with the site and familiarize yourself with the different pages and hyper-links. Take note that when you click into some parts categories there is a note at the very top of the section.

Use this information to understand the section you are in or navigate to the proper section if a link is provided.

Saving pages to your computer will often give you a surprise when you call to order the parts. Please always refresh the page so you will see the current pricing. For a hard reset using Chrome as a browser: Hold the CRTL button then click the refresh button

Kits or Packages: We've created many kits or packages to make things a bit easier and more convenient for you when ordering. Because many individuals can only order a little at a time, as their budget allows, or decide to repair only certain areas of the car, the kits or packages can vary in size and cost and can sometimes have an overlap of the same items. Kits or packages have photos of each of the items you will be receiving. You can also read the text within the part number that describes exactly what you will receive and how many pieces of each item that are included in the kit or package. Please read the text carefully when ordering to make sure the part number is what you want. Parts from kits or packages can not be exchanged or returned for other parts as most kits or packages are discounted and are sold as assemblies. If you do not want to purchase all the items in the kit then use the regular sections where all the items are sold individually. Example: Interior has individual items / Interior Kit & Packages has only kits. Weather strip has individual items / Weather strip Kits & Packages has only kits. Having photographs of all of the items you will receive is a great visual tool so you know exactly what we are providing and that we are providing you with the right part for your restoration needs. The draw back in the kits or packages sections is that it bogs down the web-site with a lot of photos to scroll through which can be likened to having too much candy in front of you. We prefer the photos to no photos or 10 links you would have to click on to see the items in the kits or packages or just plain old text.

Choosing the Correct part for your car: Any part that says in the text "Datsun Roadster" will fit ALL 1600 and 2000 from 1965 through 1970 including RH drive vehicles. If the text also includes "Fairlady" in the description then this part will also fit on all Fairlady's produced from 1963 through 1965 including RH drive vehicles. If the part only says "Datsun Roadster" then it will only fit this model. If the part says only "Fairlady" then it will fit only this model. If the part has a RH in the text or header then it is only for right hand drive vehicles. If the part says 1600 and does not say 2000 and vice versa? I think you must know the answer to this by now.
