Our Mission Statement

Here at Datsun Parts we are more than just a distributor of factory original Nissan and OEM replacement parts for your Datsun roadster. We are a manufacturer and also contract major, reputable automotive manufacturers to make parts exclusively for us.

As original parts from Nissan are becoming more difficult to find we have noticed that the cost on discontinued parts have sky rocketed in price. We understand that supply and demand will cause an increase in value of any hard to find items. It is the nature of the market. However, when certain items, engine parts, become discontinued and extremely expensive it can totally prohibit the possibilities of restoring your car. If an emblem becomes unavailable and a bit too expensive for your taste, you can still drive your car. When timing components for the U20 motor become unavailable and cost $1400.00 to $1800.00 then it can cause some people to scrap the car, store it indefinitely or perform an engine transplant. Alternatives that either do not allow you to enjoy your car or devalue the collect-ability of your vehicle.

We see an alternative and always have. We re-create reasonably priced, quality, reproduction parts that meet and most often exceed OEM parts made by Q9000 companies with modern technological processes not in existence 40 years ago. Have you seen our new U20 oil pump yet?

We have always invested our revenue back into our business by making new products available to help you keep your car on the road.

We don't want to sell what is left over when Nissan runs out and simply say "Sorry buddy unavailable". There are, of course, limits being a low production vehicle, of what parts are chosen to be made. But we do chose more often than not to support our customers by investing in making new parts.

Check out our web-site and just look at the selection of parts we offer to you, both factory, new production parts and aftermarket alternative parts at affordable pricing!

We have been helping you with your restoration needs since 1988. We also deeply appreciate you making the choice by turning to us in support of our efforts in keeping parts available for your car both now and in the future.

What is your part in this? We ask that you give these new production parts a fair shake and also realize that the technology available today is in some ways leaps and bounds ahead of the technology used to build the cars from 40 years ago.

Remember we're here for you, not only with parts, but with technical information to help you make the right choices and get the job done correctly the first time.

Dean Apostal
